Notice bibliographique
Bélisle, R. et Rioux, I. (2016). Reading and writing in the recognition of prior learning at the level of secondary education. Canadian journal for the study of adult education, 28(1), 15-27.
Studies show that the use of writing in recognition of prior learning (RPL) measures can repel some adults, especially those without a diploma. For those who are moving forward, how is the use of reading and writing experienced? Is it a lever or a barrier? This article presents results from a research led in Quebec including semi-structured interviews and data from archival records. It describes the use of reading and writing in two RPL measures at the secondary education level. The first one is offered in adult general education and is called Spheres of generic competencies. The second one is the recognition of prior learning and competencies in vocational training. The article also identifies reading and writing’s levers and barriers. A discussion draws attention to the challenges faced by adults when they have to read and write in RPL process.

Hyperlien du CÉRTA impliqués
Rachel BélisleIsabelle Rioux