Notice bibliographique
Bibeau, J., Meilleur, R. et Bédard, D. (2024). So, are you a musician or an entrepreneur? Musicians’ identity development in an entrepreneurship education classroom. Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat/Review of Entrepreneurship, 23(2), 59-86.
This paper brings to light how musicians, from a university music school graduate program, respond to entrepreneurship education through the lens of their identity development. It is inspired by calls from research to provide more individualized, qualitative, and shared meanings on the co-existence and development of musician and entrepreneur identities. Concepts from identity theorists in social psychology, entrepreneurship, and music shed light on rich empirical data gathered through group and individual interviews of musicians. This paper also proposes a dynamic identity development framework to inspire entrepreneurship educators when supporting music education and other creative and cultural learning environments.
Hyperlien du CÉRTA impliqués
Jean BibeauRoxane Meilleur